Friday, October 24, 2008

The United Socialists of America

The United States is a socialized democratic republic with a regulated market economy.

A few socialized services our federal government offers:

1. Military
2. Law Enforcement
3. Fire Protection
4. Education
5. Space Exploration
6. A large portion of scientific and artistic endeavors are done on the government dime (Even the Internet which allows me to post this blog is a direct descendant of a government funded scientific endeavor and it is being transported to you on subsidized and taxed and regulated telecommunication lines.)
7. Roads and Transportation Services
8. Water
9. Retirement (Social Security)
10. Customs and Border Control
11. Land (Bureau of Land Management, National Parks)
12. Water (Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Reservoirs, etc.)
13. Postal Office
14. Public Welfare for the Poor (Housing and Food)
15. Wildlife and fish
16. And as of a couple of weeks ago -- Banks (although deposit insurance was always socialized since the Depression)

In addition to socialized services, we have highly regulated industries:

1. Utilities
2. Banks -- sort of
3. Securities -- sort of
4. Food and Drug Inspection
5. Energy Production
6. Environmental Protection
7. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
8. Patents and Copyrights
9. Telecommunications

I heard something on the news this morning that 1 in 13 adults in Utah work for the State government. This does not include federal employees (HAFB, military, federal courts, etc.). We have socialized employment. My entire family was raised on money that was contributed by tax payers.

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