Thursday, January 25, 2007


So I was thinking about Choke and was remembering what a fine book it was. I'm certain that it has the greatest bathroom sex scene in all of Western literature. If you are offended by naked or mostly naked people, you probably shouldn't scan down -- so be warned. I wanted a picture representation of the idea of the blog hook-up: Two horny blogaholics with web cams who post their anonymous pictures on the web in the hopes of some future physical connection.

For all of our desire to connect and the odd place that blogging creates in our heart in regards to that connection, ultimately human companionship is what we are attached to. Attachment is the addiction, not blogging. We are all addicted to wanting to feel attached, to belong to something bigger than ourselves. We attempt to ingratiate ourselves to others by our words, our actions and our lives. We want something that is going to last, despite all evidence to the contrary. The blogs fill up, the lives pass away and our entire existence is book ended by unconsciousness.

So I say fuck it, lets look at naked people! Or as my seminary teacher used to say: "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die."

Neither of those pictures are me, but if you are looking for a back room blog hook up, you can visit my real blog (as opposed to this footnote blog).
This advertisement brought to you by the Committee to Promote Mormon Erotica (ME for short).

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