Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Footnote 1 on Blog-osophy

He: Yes, I know that I just referred to God as a he. Yes, it is sexist. Yes, it negates the Mother in Heaven. (I kind of imagine Mother in Heaven like the girl in this picture.) Why did I make such a sexist comment on diety? Why not a generic sentence like: "I used to pray to God and hoped God would hear me?" Besides avoiding he redundant use of "God", I wanted to try out my new footnote mechanism, which will eventually lead to an entire new blog of footnotes. I know I'm on a rampage about being seen and the "meaning of blog". Well, blah, blah, bloggity-blah.

Blogs are an entirely new artform -- OK, not blogs per se, but the entire Internet with its global connectivity, hyperlinks to flash us at the speed of light with a click to different parts of the universe, it changes the job of a writer. A writer becomes a connection conduit whose job is no longer to just put words on the page in a new particular order, but to provide the reader with new thought connections, new jumps and leaps of consciousness outside their normal train of thought.

I am a guy, so I want to handle the remote control of my hyperlinks. Click on a link, I'd half like you to see me -- or at least my words. I figured I'd also post pictures of half naked people (I'll alternate men and women) just for the hell of it. The naked people have no bearing whatsoever on the ultimate meaning of the footnote, but are simply a blatant attempt to get you to read what I write. You read, I'll give you pictures -- Playboy sold a lot of magazines (and a lot of famous writers) on that theory.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

Damn, but I like you, TW. You are good. The footnote blog is a very cool and unique idea.

T Wanker said...

Why thank you Sister, I like you too. (sounds a bit incestuous doesn't it)

And it takes a very cool and unique person to be the first to comment on my footnote blog -- so there.