Sunday, February 11, 2007


Despite all the possible feline puns available with a name like "Kitten," I shall refrain because this little Kitten apparently likes dogs, not cats. While her moniker may suggest a liking of the cat family, she is into dogs. You can find her blog here.
Kitten's Dog reminded me of a Louis Icart print I have at my house, Coursings III. I couldn't find my version, but found another similar one for this footnote.
Kitten likes to read and knows a lot about books, so you should hide your bookshelf when she comes to visit if you don't want her knowing your deep dark secrets and fantasies, i.e. Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty triology can't be passed off as your kid's fantasy series.
Kitten also resides in Australia and as a result I will cheer for the Wallabies today when I see them play.

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