Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Swimsuits= mc2

This woman can't do math. No really, the feminist psychologists say so.
Ok, I can think of another more logical causal reason why women dressing alone in swim suits might perform more poorly on a math test than the woman dressing alone in a sweater that has nothing to do with self-objectification or a woman's ability to math semi-nude. Culturally we teach our daughters to be wary of sexual come ons. Girls are smart and cautious about being put in unsafe positions, especially college girls. So they go to the test and they are told to put on a swim suit and take a math test. Immediately the anxiety level is ratched up, not because they are worried about how they look, but about who is going to come busting through the door and accoust them. I think there is some strong psychological evidence that anxiety inhibits test performance -- a Google search for "psychological study anxiety test performance" yielded a mere 698,000 hits.
But women can't really do math -- especially in swim suits.

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