Now, most folk doctrine in the Mormon church holds that Mary M. (or at the very least, someone else) was married to Jesus. The doctrines of Christ as the exemplar coupled with the New and Everlasting Covenant (eternal marriage necessary for celestial glory) leave no other possible logical conclusion. So of course, in 2006 due to the furor over the Da Vinci Code, which most Mormons took in stride or as yet another sign of the world beginning to understand important truths. The new, correlated and politically correct church, which is trying to distance itself from a) the annoying past and b) anything remotely interesting or fun
issued a statement that it has never been "official Church doctrine" that Jesus was married. How is that interesting I ask? I'd love for some continuing revelation to get this whole doctrinal thing figured out.
For a short and accurate portrait of Mary Magdalene in the Mormon view, get thee to Barnes and Noble, snag a copy of
Secrets of Mary Magdalene and turn to Page 166 for Maxine Hanks excellent synopsis.
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